Monday, August 11, 2008


I will start running again. I will start running again. I will start running again. I will start running again. I will start running again. I will start running again.

Maybe if I continuously tell myself that--I will get around to actually doing it.

Coz seriously.

I have to start running again. I have to start running again. I have to start running again. I have to start running again. I have to start running again. I have to start running again.

Promise. Tomorrow. I. will. run.


  1. If it's something you really, really, really want to do, YOU CAN DO IT! I wish you all the best. :-)

  2. hi Buns!!!!! this is something I do everyday, LOL! sometimes I wake up one morning and i muster some will power and run. i get pumped up and motivated for a week....then i would be busy at work, and then more work at home, and i get back to my usual: i have to run chant =P for quite a while and then the cycle goes....

    one of these days you and i will learn how to make the time for us, promise. it will happen.

  3. hi buns.. buying a nike+ attire and ipod (if you don't have them yet) might inspire you to run.. haha. let me know if you're interested, lets set an online competition using nike plus hehe. :p

  4. shai: thanks :)

    myra: I MISS YOU. How's the new place?

    Wends: My only problem with the Nike+ is it only works with Ipod Nano. I have an ipod video. Huhu!

  5. buns, if you want kasama, let's go running sa sunken garden one morning. :)
