Thursday, February 16, 2012

Revisited my secret blog today with a motive, which did not fall through.  Instead, I wrote:

I came here today with the very distinct intent to take this blog out, to shut it down.

I re-read every single entry.  It's worse than I remembered.

Writing has always been my release and this is what's incredible about writing down how you feel when you're in the middle of something you can't seem to get a way out of--one day you can look back on what you wrote and realize that you got through it, particularly when you never thought you could.

So I'm not taking this down.  Instead, it will stay. I am keeping this blog.

Because one day, when things get tough again for whatever reason, all I need to do is come here and I know that re-reading every entry will be a good and simple reminder that there are happy endings.  Sometimes, going over how painful something felt and knowing that you overcame it is actually helpful.

I guess failure instills something positive in each of us.

Till then,

1 comment:

  1. I agree.
    I did not delete my blog from 2006 even though i think i had only 5 posts in it. but those posts were emotions felt during a bad breakup. Looking back, natatawa na lang ako. I wanted to give myself a pat on the back for pulling through such an awful phase.
