Whenever people ask me how I'm finding my new job, I always say that I am not having fun--yet.
I am almost never at the office. My days are booked with meetings and client presentations, minimum 2 a day. I sent an email to my sales team last Thursday asking them not to set any appointments on Friday afternoons so we can all meet and talk about what happened during the week and what our goals are for the coming week. My skin is breaking out, I'm not used to wearing make-up everyday. Gladly, my feet have gotten used to running in heels.
The upside of all this is, I'm meeting so many great people face-to-face. My old job entailed talking to different people too, but it's usually just over the phone (as my clients were mostly abroad). I am also learning so much from my colleagues who actually work for the other subsidiaries but have been helping out with the project. Although I feel like I am still walking on eggshells with the people I work with, I am slowly warming up to them. Just the other day, I had a laugh out loud moment with my boss in the pantry and she jokingly slapped me on the arm.
I also had a one-day crush on someone at the office but I found out he's married after I stalked his Facebook (Dear Married Men, please wear your wedding rings!). No way in hell I'm going that road. What's funny is that I had a couple of friends over for drinks last week and I was telling them about this guy and they asked to see a picture. When I showed it to them, one of them said "Oh Shit, it's ____!". Turns out one-day crush is my friend's brother's bestfriend. The world is too small.
Also, I finally got to take advantage of the cheap beer at work. In all my years of working, I have never left the office buzzed, until yesterday.
I guess that's it. I'm sorry my life has been so blah. Pray it gets more exciting in the coming months, yes?
uhm, don't forget to e-mail me so I know what the heck you are doing/selling. haha! so i can "help" :)