1. V and I are faithful to each other despite our spats every now and then.
2. I have wonderful helpers who genuinely care for us, especially for Joaquin.
3. A great relationship with my sisters. We made a promise last week that we would never ever fight over money or something equally petty.
4. My mom is unbelievably healthy! :)
5. My family (especially the ones in the US) still have jobs.
I was chatting with a friend from the US last week and I was saying that despite the financial crisis/recession the world is going through right now, we should remember that we still have a lot of things to be grateful for. Actually, this is something we should remember everyday.
So there-- I still want new running shoes, a laptop and an oven for Christmas and while I wouldn't mind getting all the material things I asked for, these 5 things I listed are more than enough to make my holidays happy. I hope yours will be too!