Monday, October 6, 2008


Joaquin is turning 2 next month and as early as now (actually, it started a few months ago), he is already on the "Terrible Two" phase.

According to Dr. Greene:

Gradually, though, sometime after he had mastered walking, an irresistible urge to make his own choices began to well up inside him. This is an exciting development, but the difficulty with his making an independent choice is that he must disagree with you in order for the choice to be his own. Now, when you ask him to do something, he refuses.

And it really is quite terrible. Lemme tell you why:

Then: We would force him to walk.
Now: We run after him.

Then: He falls asleep before we do.
Now: We're sooo sleepy and he's still climbing up and down the bed and running around the room, etc.

Then: Loves afternoon naps.
Now: What afternoon nap?

Then: Stays and plays in his playpen.
Now: Climbs out of his playpen.

Then: We wake up with him in bed.
Now: We wake up with him standing by our bed.


Have a good work week, everyone!

1 comment:

notsquare said...

Bunns, ANG BILIS talaga ng panahon! I can't believe baby J is turning 2 na! next month!

it's been wonderful seeing (and hearing from you) him grow! :)

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