One of the things I love about being a mom is discovering my son's tiniest feats and being mighty proud of it. Aside from the usual "close open", "high five" and "bye bye", Joaquin can now identify my eyes and nose,
(he still has confusion with the mouth). He also dances to "I have two hands" by clapping at "clap them softly..." and showing his hands at "clean little hands are good to see.."
(I promise to take a video of this soon to show you). He also rubs/pats his tummy when we sing, "rub rub tummy, yummy yummy yummy!"
I don't want to sound like a Nido commercial but Joaquin also eats healthy and sleeps well. He eats a serving of strawberry yogurt every morning. He also can't get enough of mangoes, bananas, kiwis, avocados and peaches. Last Sunday, we ate at a Japanese resto for lunch and he finished his miso soup
(he also ate the tofu in it). He loves it when I cook him spaghetti, lasagna and ginisang sayote. He even likes sinigang and he eats the kangkong!
My son is also never sick. He's a year and 2 months old and he's only had fever once and it only lasted for a day, and that fever was caused by his vaccination. The most serious ailment he's ever had to date is cough and colds. Everyday I pray that it stays that way.
I know that no matter how hard I try, I can't be a perfect mother but only one thing is certain-- I only want to give my son the best--my best. And when I see how happy, healthy and lively he is, I thank God for the shower of blessings and I realize that all my efforts are paying off
(even when they sometimes burn a rather large hole in my pocket. Haha!).
He loovveeesss bubbles!
Big toes to go with his big feet!
V and Joaquin, feeding me. Hehe!